Saturday, October 2, 2010

Totally Fired Up.

Hello world.
I am excited and anxious and thrilled to be starting this blog, on a topic I find so relevant in my life and so important to society as a whole. More and more each day I find it harder to stay silent and more important to speak up.

I'm going to keep this blog fairly anonymous for obvious reasons but just as background, I'm a 21 year old college student and I feel like it's my duty in society to promote social equality and stand up for what I believe in: equality, respect, and acceptance for all. I fight for it every day and I will continue to fight until it's achieved.

My good friend was a huge inspiration for starting this blog, after having many awesome and intense discussions about feminism and our patriarchal society. Luckily, she's beginning this journey with me at Resisting The Man.

I'm working to keep myself moving toward becoming a strong, successful, independent WOMAN and I'm hoping this will help me to do that. I have a lot of people in my life that inspire me to stand up and speak out and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

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