Thursday, April 14, 2011

Keep Your Boehner Out Of My Uterus

I wanted to do a bit of a longer follow up from my last post. Of course I have been thinking about the extended topic of Planned Parenthood and basic women's rights lately, mostly because of how prominent it is RIGHT NOW in this country. There is this huge debate going on surrounding this issue and I honestly don't understand why. What it mostly boils down to in my eyes is that if you don't support funding for Planned Parenthood, you are not in favor of women's rights (and keep in mind that only 3% of their organization goes towards abortions which are already NOT funded by the Government under Title X, so cutting funding for the entire thing is 100% denying health rights to women on many different levels). It's pretty astounding to me to think of how disrespectful this actually is. And it pains me to think of how far women are being set back in time by this.

I really enjoy this picture, of course because of the satire involved but mostly because it's pretty accurate. Basically someone else is trying to control what we do with our bodies - and mind you, it's someone who doesn't even HAVE a uterus. So I hope you enjoy this on a satirical level while also realizing the truth behind what the picture is actually portraying.

I had the pleasure of participating in a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood last night simply by going out to eat at a restaurant that supports the organization and was gladly donating 10% of each person's bill to the cause when they presented a ticket saying they were there to participate. I asked our waiter if he had been seeing a lot of tickets that night and he said every single table he had been given that night was participating. That kind of thing really gives me hope. Just to know that there are other people out there fighting for the cause is really something to be proud of. I sometimes feel very alone on this issue because I focus on how many people out there are on the opposite side, but I'm starting to think (last night, anyways) and hope that there are more people on the side of respect and decency than I think. And that is an empowering thought. I'll continue to fight for this for the rest of my life.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Democratic Military Wives

I just found this facebook page (Democratic Military Wives) and I really enjoy their profile picture. Mostly because of the pun, but also because I am just so glad that there's at least SOME women sticking up for our rights and not trying to set us back 70 years. Things like this give me some kind of hope. Support.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Planned Parenthood continued.

This is just a short follow up to my last post about planned parenthood funding. I think everyone needs to see this and understand exactly what it is they want to cut ALL funding for.