What you people fail to recognize is that ending funding for planned parenthood cuts out more than just your unwarranted hatred for "pro-choice." It will end all help for lower class women and college students who can't afford to pay for birth control (and contrary to popular belief, some people take birth control for their health - heavy, irregular, and absolutely painful periods to hormone regulation - I, for one, started taking birth control for my health LONG before the thought of having sex even crossed my mind). Planned Parenthood helps women who don't have insurance, allows them to get tested for HIV, get breast and cervical cancer screenings, ultra sounds, STD treatment and education, helps victims of rape, and the list goes on and on. This vote is denying basic health care access and needs to women on the basis of an offensive opinion.
I'm just going to come out and say it - How could the republican party do this? They build their campaigns on "freedom" and living by the constitution and LESS government, yet they are CONSTANTLY digging into the issue of abortion by trying to take AWAY a woman's freedom to choose, and putting MORE government regulations on women's health care. How is this NOT considered hypocritical? It's none of their business what women do with their bodies, and frankly the fact that they think they can control this by taking away our freedom and access to help means that they still think women are second class citizens and shouldn't be treated with the same respect as men.
[How would men feel if we decided to take away their access to male doctors because we all found it immoral that some men get vasectomies in order to...OH, PREVENT BABIES! Sorry, you can no longer get this procedure done, because my opinion is that it's not right. And while your at it, no more getting your balls screened for prostate cancer because we're just gonna end funding for the entire thing. Sorry.]
Whether you believe one way or another, here's an easy solution: Don't take away ANYONE'S freedoms, and let your moral obligations dictate how YOU, PERSONALLY live your life. I don't care if you think abortion is the worst thing you could possibly do in the entire world, that is YOUR choice to NOT do it. However, just because YOU believe one way does not make it acceptable to force everyone to think that way or to take away people's right to choose what they do with their own body.
I'm absolutely sick of people taking their beliefs and attempting to put limits on the rest of the country based on that. You believe life should be lived one way, then go ahead and live it that way. But don't try to tell me and the rest of the country that your beliefs are the only way - because they're not and quite frankly, they're offensive.
Planned Parenthood has been helping women for a long time, giving them a place to turn to when their life is in shambles or when they can't afford to have a potentially life saving breast examination done. You can't take away all of that because you don't agree with one small fraction of the kind of help they provide women with. It's the most dangerous and disrespectful thing you can do.
Please sign this petition to help save Planned Parenthood if you haven't already.
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