Never in my life have I been so ashamed or utterly pissed off at someone I don't even know. He thinks that people who support the LGBT community and have tolerance and love for others are "stupid," gay people should never come out and be who they are - they should keep it to themselves, "fags are ruining our lives," and he likes when gay people get aids and die. Every single stereotype he could come up with he used as an insult, he repeatedly used the words "faggot" and "queer" in his hateful messages, and even admitted to the world that if his own children were gay he would disown them (but also that there is no chance they would EVER be gay because he raised them with "Christian" values - need I mention the hypocrisy here?).
Is this the kind of person we want around our children or on a school board in our community? Is this the kind of person people listen to and agree with? It's absolutely astounding to me that someone could have that little of a brain to send those ignorant comments out into the public with the position he was in, and also that someone could be that closed minded and hateful towards other human beings.
I'm glad he resigned, although I wish he had just been straight up fired. He does not deserve to have a job on the school board. My wish for him is that he never gets hired anywhere again because no one in their right mind would want a horrible, disgusting person like him working for their company or school. I also hope that people watch his interview with Anderson Cooper and can see through his fake, backhanded, shell of an apology. He is not sorry for what he said, he's only sorry he got caught and now has to suffer the backlash.
LOVE. ACCEPTANCE. TOLERANCE. SUPPORT. Those are qualities McCance is severely lacking. I hope with everything I have that he is not teaching his children to think or behave like him.
WOW. I just read and watched all of the crap that douchebag said. That apology was total bullshit. You can totally tell that he only said he was sorry because he was caught. What an ass.