Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Don't be too anything.

"Don't be too fat, or too thin, or too dark, or too light; don't be too sexual, or too chaste, or too smart, or too dumb. Be yourself. But make sure you fit in."
-Anna Taggaro

I enjoy this quote so much because it really sums up how I sometimes feel, and I know other women can relate. People always say, "just be yourself" which is what we should do, but society tends to tell us otherwise. Be yourself, as long as it's perfect.

Ever have those days where you don't really feel like getting out of bed and you would rather just throw on a pair of sweats and run out the door with no make-up on and just genuinely not care? I know I do. But it's hard to not care when we are told how to be perfect by magazines and models. They seem to scream how unacceptable it is to be anything less than perfect when you walk out the door.

But I have news, no one is perfect. It's an uphill battle for all women because we all have body-image issues or self esteem issues and it's hard to look past those and have confidence when everything points to us having to be this picture perfect woman who, in reality doesn't exist.

We all have things we like and don't like about ourselves, but for some reason we get so stuck focusing on the things we hate. It's really tiring to constantly compare ourselves to others or to be thinking "I hate my legs, I hate my butt, I hate the pouch on my stomach, I hate my arms" or whatever it may be. Chances are, we are the only ones who even notice or care. So, for the next week I'm going to try really hard to focus on the things I like about myself. It's probably not going to be easy but we all deserve to love and appreciate our bodies, even if they aren't "perfect."

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